When you give to FleaHab, you give new life to people who have lost theirs to addiction. You’re giving families their sons, fathers, brothers and friends back.

We have ‘giving’ programs designed for foundations, corporations, large and small individual donors. We don’t give one donor more weight than another. You’re all GOLD to us.

FleaHab is tax deductible as a registered 501C3 non-profit organization.

Other ways to help:

  • Spread the word: Tell your friends, family and colleagues about FleaHab.
  • Attend FleaHab fundraising events
  • Ask us how you can volunteer- we are currently seeking board members and volunteers to help in areas of IT, administration and development.
  • Join us on Facebook and Instagram.
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Donation Total: $50.00

What our donors are saying

George Ow


“Thank you for your great community work. It was great to see you in the water, today!”

Denise Ryan & Chris O’Connell


“FleaHab is critically important to our community. Darryl inspires addicts- (and, non-addicts)- to do
good, every day.”

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